Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Frequent Baths

Make sure your bird gets plenty of baths during the molt. The old feather sheaths will come off easier and your bird will be more comfortable.

(Life Tips Move On Life)

Thursday, September 20, 2012

How much should you feed your cat?

Your cat needs about 2 or 3 cups per day. I have never had a cat. I'm more of a dog person! They are great mellow pets (Most cats) ,and very sleepy. They do most of there activity at night.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

What Is Bad Breath Caused By?

Most often, canine bad breath is caused by dental or gum disease, and certain dogs particularly small ones are especially prone to plaque and tartar. However, persistent bad breath can also indicate larger medical problems in the mouth, respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract or organs.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Summer tips

NEVER leave your pet in the car!! Even if it feels cool outside the sun can raise the temperature inside your care to 120 degrees in a matter of minutes. Even with the windows rolled down. If you need to go some where and pets are not allowed you should leave them home ,and if they are scared to be by them self you should invest in the Thunder Shirt that I posted about June 20. It may sound strange but your pets can get sunburned between 10 A.M. and 4 P.M., and when you do go out, rub a bit of sunblock on unprotected ares like the tips of there ears, the skin around there lips, and the tip of there nose. Keeping you brushed because the mats and tangles trap the heat, so groom your pet. And be sure to give them a shower to get the dirt out too, BUT DO NOT USE COLD WATER!! You can put your animal in shock. You should use mild water Not hot and Not cold. Keep cool and enjoy the rest of your summer.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Hair Balls 101

Do you know how do get rid of hair balls? If you don't then ill tell you. First you need your cat, then you will need a brush. You are going to have to brush away any losse hair. You will need do do this 1-3 times a day!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Pet Care Tips ASPCA

Teach you child to read you'r pets body language and identify signs that your pet needs to be left alone.
See more at Pet Care Tips ASPCA

Prairie Pastures Dog Park, Off Leash Park

Located off highway 67, on the North side of Clinton, Iowa inside the gates of Eagle Point Park you will find Prairie Pastures Dog Park. It was voted number 8 in the U.S. by "Dog Fancy" Magazine. Prairie Past DOg park opened on July 16, 2007, with over 6 acres of ground to offer for dogs of all sizes plus there are 8 acres open for dogs to play, including a swimming pond. This park offers  sepaplay areas for small and large dogs, as well as senior or with special needs. the entire park is enclosed by fence, which is checked on a regular basis. Every dog using the dog park is required to be up to dated on their shots, and must be well socialized. Any dog showing aggressive behavior, or who cannot be controlled by the handler will be asked to leave. All handlers must be at least 16 years of age. Anyone under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult. Under supervision at all times. The small dog yard has a agility training area and a "King-of-the-Hill", witch they can run over or under or thru. Some of the rules are  No food is allowed, No choke or spike collars, No children under four feet tall are allowed. Other rules are posted near the large dog entry gate. Keep in mind that this park was made by hard working volunteers. Form the freshly mown grass, the mulched walk trails, to the garden benches placed under the shade trees. There are waste bags and disposal containers located throughout the park for everyone's convenience.

Day pass: 3.00/dog/day

Membership fee
$20.00 Single/year
$30.00 Family/year

Prairie Pastures is open all year (7:00 a.m.- To Dusk)

Phone: 563-249-4906

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

More To Come

When I was at Buddy Gourmet today I found about 4 or 5 new topics! Keep updated for more posts! Also my dog is due to have puppies July 30! So I will have puppy tips!!

Buddy Gourmet

Does your dog have a thing for yummy treats, I know my dogs do so we go to Buddy Gourmet in Clinton Iowa. They have a wide selection of dog treats. Does your dog like Peanut Butter, Bacon,Oatmeal ,and much more. Yes and your dogs are welcome when they are on a leash! The owners are very friendly. They are located on the corner of Garfield and Main street.They are a full service bakery that uses only the finest human grade ingredients. They also offer preservative, additive,corn,wheat and soy free dog foods made from whole fresh human grade ingredient. Also they offer doggie birthday cakes, frozen yogurt and other delicious treats. They believe  that every dog deserves the best! They also carry clothing, quality bath products, collars, leashes, beds and so much more.
86 Main Avenue
Clinton Iowa 52732

Ph: 563-823-5899
Fax: 563-519-2158
Toll Free 877-816-1660

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Thunder Shirt

The Thunder Shirt is a Drug-Free Solution for Dog Anxiety! It  si inexpensive and easy to use. You can you it for Thunder,Fireworks,Separation,Travel,Barking,Jumping,Training and more.

 Over 15,000,000 dogs suffer form anxiety and fear issues in the United States alone! Whenever a dog is anxious,fearful or over-exited, Thundershirt's gentle, constant pressure bring calm and focus. Most dogs respond with the very usage. Other may take two are three usages. Over 80% of dog owners report significantly reduced anxiety symptoms when using Thundershirt.

Better Alternative than Medications

Treating anxiety with medications is very often inadequate. Sedatives can help in severe cases, but usually must be administered long before the anxiety event and the effects last long after the event has passed. Daily-medications are expensive and risk unwanted side-effects. Already Helping tens of thousands of dogs, Thunder shirt is effective, risks no side effects and requires little to no time commitment form dog owners.

 Call 866.892.2078 or

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Be Aware

It is that time of year again that you need to be alert of mosquito. I say that because your pet needs to HAVE a heartgard shot or your other use of this product. and to make sure that your pet has water but DO NOT leave your pet by a the pool unsupervised. Have a great summer! Think about your pet! :D

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Helping keep your hamster clean!

If you absolutely must bathe your hamster, get a bowl and fill it with a couple cm of lukewarm waterVery gently, moisten your hamster, taking care to keep the water away from your hamster's face area.You could use an old toothbrush to gently clean the hamster but make sure not to get it near the face. If water alone will not remove the toxic and/or sticky substance, you can use a very small amount of the mildest baby shampoo you can find. Be very careful to keep the suds away from your hamster's face. Rinse the hamsterPlace your hamster on a towel and gently pat it dry.Make sure to get most of the water of before giving your hamster a seed and puting it back in its cage to sleep off its agitation.Do not use a hairdyrer! You may also use baby wipes to bathe your hamster.