Thursday, March 29, 2012

Helping keep your hamster clean!

If you absolutely must bathe your hamster, get a bowl and fill it with a couple cm of lukewarm waterVery gently, moisten your hamster, taking care to keep the water away from your hamster's face area.You could use an old toothbrush to gently clean the hamster but make sure not to get it near the face. If water alone will not remove the toxic and/or sticky substance, you can use a very small amount of the mildest baby shampoo you can find. Be very careful to keep the suds away from your hamster's face. Rinse the hamsterPlace your hamster on a towel and gently pat it dry.Make sure to get most of the water of before giving your hamster a seed and puting it back in its cage to sleep off its agitation.Do not use a hairdyrer! You may also use baby wipes to bathe your hamster.